



Having problems sleeping?  You are so tired, brush your teeth get dressed for bed...all the while yawning...finally crawl into bed...and BO'ING....Your WIDE awake!!  Even worse you do manage to fall right asleep and you wake up for no reason at all feeling like you've slept all night and are ready to take on the day...but your still tired and sometimes even worse are awake and feel like a mak truck has hit you! 


      You're not alone. Millions of people have difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.  The following tips have been found to work for many people who have trouble sleeping. 


     Several other sleep disorders besides insomnia also may aggravate Fibromyalgia.  Almost half of men with Fibromyalgia and some women have obstructive sleep apnea.  In this condition the patient snores loudly and has periodic pauses in breathing after which he starts breathing again with a snort.  Periodic limb movements of sleep is a condition in which patients twitch every 30 to 90 seconds for long periods during the night. Patients may be completely unaware of either of these conditions until the spouse complains.  Not only will it be difficult to get Fibromyalgia symptoms to improve without treating these disorders, but if sleep apnea is left untreated it may lead to accidental death or injury as well as early strokes or heart attacks.


      Other common sources of repeated sleep disturbance are a spouse's snoring and young children.  If the spouse drinks alcohol in the evenings or is overweight, then avoidance of alcohol after supper or weight may eliminate snoring.  Sleeping propped up on the side will often help. At the very least, the patient can wear earplugs.  Children are harder to put off but fortunately most soon outgrow their need for care at night.



It is important to avoid prescription tranquilizers 
and sleeping medications especially of the
benzodiazepine group.

While these may help you get to sleep,
they suppress deep sleep and therefore often 
make Fibromyalgia worse!  


Your Personal Habits


For several hours before bedtime, avoid alcohol; beverages with caffeine; chocolate; heavy, spicy, sugary or sugar-filled foods; and smoking.  They can affect your ability to fall 
asleep or enjoy deep sleep. 


Regular exercise, particularly in the afternoon, can help deepen sleep.  However, strenuous exercise right before sleep may prevent you from falling asleep. 


Restrict fluids right before bed.


Try to establish a schedule where you go to sleep and get up at the same times every day.  This will put your body into a good "sleep-wake rhythm." 


Your Sleeping Environment


Bedding that is uncomfortable can prevent good sleep.  Evaluate whether or not this is a source of your problem, and make appropriate changes.


Block out all distracting noise, and eliminate as much light as possible. 


Use your bed for sleep and sex and not as an office or recreation room.  Let your body "know" that the bed is associated with sleeping.



Getting Ready for Sleep


Warm milk and foods such as bananas are high in the amino acid tryptophan, which may help you sleep. 


Relaxation techniques before retiring may relieve anxiety and reduce muscle tension.   Leave your worries about job or family for another time. 


Pre sleep rituals such as a warm bath or a few minutes of reading can help you.


Get into your favorite sleeping position.  If you don't fall asleep within 15 to 30 minutes, get up, go into another room, and read or watch TV until sleepy.



Other Factors


Several physical reasons are known to upset sleep, such as arthritis, heartburn, menstruation, headache, and hot flashes.  Sleeping difficulties are also associated with psychological factors such as depression, stress, and concern or worry about problems.  Your physician can help determine the problem and best treatments. 


Many medications can cause sleeplessness as a side effect.  Ask your doctor or pharmacist about this possibility.


To help overall improvement in sleep patterns, sleep medications may be prescribed by your physician for short-term relief of sleep problems.  Always follow the advice of your physician and other healthcare professionals.  The goal is to rediscover how to sleep naturally.


These tips will help most individuals but not everyone.
If you still have difficulty sleeping after following these suggestions, please see your physician.  The cause of your sleeping difficulty may be serious enough to warrant medical attention


FM Sleep Disorders and CFIDS


Sleep Disturbances and Fatigue


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