and Inspirations
When you come to the edge of all the light you
know, and are about to step off into the darkness of the unknown, faith is knowing one of two things will happen: There will be something solid to stand on, or you will be taught how to fly. Barbara J. Winter | ||
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The Beast
Within by Devera Jobe | ||
I What else will it steal in the
morning light? I
must go on living and fighting this
beast, Fear not this beast; it will go
away. I'll run to a field spinning
round and round,
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Life's Burden's
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Often people say
to me "You just won't understand." I don't know why
some people feel they suffer unique pain. Why some folks
even begin to think the pain that's in their heart, They keep their
eyes from meeting mine - The Bible says:
'Two' can withstand what overcomes just 'one'. Besides, I know
the ways of hurt. And so, I learned
that Pain - like Love - is bearable if shared. My trials did not
vanish fast - In fact the time was long. So, if you think
that you can't share cause I won't understand. I know I cannot
make your trials and troubles go away. And after all is
said and done - The trials ceased - You're whole.
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Get to know yourself - Believe that by working Believe in your own creativity Believe in appreciating life Believe in love Believe in your dreams
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Go placidly amid the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence. As far as possible, without surrender, be on good terms with all persons. Speak your truth quietly and clearly; and listen to others, even the dull and ignorant; they too have their story. Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit. If you compare yourself with others, you may become vain and bitter; for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself. Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans. Keep interested in your career, however humble; it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time. Exercise caution in your business affairs; for the world is full of trickery. But let this not blind you to what virtue there is; many persons strive for high ideals; and everywhere, life is full of heroism. Be yourself. Especially, do not feign affection. Neither be cynical about love; for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment, it is perennial as the grass. Take kindly the counsel of the years, gracefully surrender the things of youth. Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune. But do not distress yourself with imaginings. Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
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Beyond a wholesome
be gentle with yourself
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DON'T YOU QUIT! ~By Anonymous~ | ||
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When things go wrong as
they sometimes will, Life is queer with its
twists and turns,
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BY ~ By Nancy Sims ~ |
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Don't undermine your
worth by comparing yourself to others. Don't set your goals by
what other people deem important. Don't take for granted
the things closest to your heart. Don't let life slip
through your fingers by living in the past or for the future. Don't give up when you
still have something to give. Don't be afraid to admit
that you are less than perfect. Don't be afraid to
encounter risks. Don't dismiss your
dreams. Don't run through life
so fast that you forget not only where you've been, Life is not a race,
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And the WISDOM to know the difference
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When Hitler attacked the
Jews I was not a Jew, And when Hitler attacked
the Catholics, And when Hitler attacked
the unions and the industrialists, Then Hitler attacked
me and the Protestant church — According to Harry W.
Mazal, this is the exact text of what
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I used to be strong as a tree, Bending and swaying, standing tall and proud; Providing stability for others to lean on, And shade for comforting protection. Stretching strong branches, To welcome the challenges Of the changing winds; Growing taller and stronger When each new season begins. Now, this Tree Struggles to stand Against the stinging Winds of Chronic Pain. Winds that cut like knives, Whittling my branches and core Down to brittle twigs Of lowered self-esteem. Riding the never-ending cycles of pain and fear, Frustration and loneliness have brought me here. Once again trying to plant new roots, Trying to grow out of the depths of despair. Watered with tears, nurtured with perseverance, Trying to hold my ground. All the while, feeling invisible. For the mirror displays An unrecognizable face, With sick eyes and tired grace. A spirit shattered into pieces of lost dreams.... No one can see, The Invisible Tree, Invisible Me. Rita Shaw copyright 1997
The Pied Piper of Pain They tell me the pain is real, but magnified, like an ant caught Signals blown awry, for unknown reasons amplified, screaming in my mind. Surely those muscles are torn, twisted, only shreds remain. That spot, that damnable spot right beneath the shoulder blade live nerves, raw and red. All in my head? Of course, for there lies the destination erroneous, overblown, blaring... but real, so damnably real. Yet look at me, the skin is smooth, unblemished, no open wounds, no scar to explain the source of the pain. No broken bones, no swollen limbs. Whole, a picture of health, denying the missives of pain that course through my nerves real to my mind, but not to your eye, nor mine. Still, the signals flow and my body rebels, refusing to turn off what my mind knows is real. Yet, I must not, cannot, will not blindly follow this Pied Piper of Pain leading down dark alleys to eventually trap me within an invisible, immovable prison of my own body, rendered rigid by disuse. Giving in and giving up is not the easiest path inactivity does not equal cessation of pain, nor stillness, peace. I must learn the gauges and measures needed to balance living my life and living with pain. I cannot hold myself to the standards of those temporarily able-bodied, who would judge me by limbs still straight and skin unbroken, vision unblemished. Instead, I must forgive myself when rest is needed while others forge ahead, and relief from pain required tho the source is invisible to human eye. Through days of fog, and memory clouded, I shall remember one thought to be true... I will not, must not, shall not, cannot surrender to the siren song of the Pied Piper of Pain. Rita Shaw copyright 1997
by Rita Shaw That the pain really does have a name, And then you will ask (and everyone does), "Just where can I place all the blame?" There's no evil. cruel "Master Plan." It just simply happens, It just simply is. You adapt, and you change what you can. All the pitfalls the future could hold, You still have a choice, you quit or you fight. You determine the story that is told. Each battle that we slowly win, Just credits the love and the caring we share With the FMily that we call our friends.
~There is a place Where You are Not Alone~ There is a place where you are not alone. Where walls can’t bind what seems ashattered soul. Here courage thrives and joy can set you free. Despite the pain, you’re all that you can be. A Healing place in which to set each goal The part of you that’s loveing remains whole. Though colours of your life may change their hue Windows let in the light; not just the view. To hear your voice. To make each choice your own. Within this place where you are not alone. …..Eleanora N Gambino 1988
Caregiver Caregiver, what an inadequate word I don’t have to ask for what I need It’s hard for those of us who are It truly is a gift from God You don’t get the praise that you deserve You truly are a wonder A weaker soul would run away So to you, dear ‘caregiver’ Kathleen Easter 2001
© "We Are FMily" Fibromyalgia Support 2002 All original
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