Body stiffness may be particularly apparent upon awakening and after prolonged
periods of sitting or standing in one position or coincide with changes
in temperature or relative humidity.
Headaches Or Facial Pain:
Fibromyalgia patients may experience frequent
migraine, tension, or vascular headaches. Pain may also consist of referred
pain to the temporal area (temples) or behind the eyes. Approximately one-third
of patients with fibromyalgia are thought to have pain and dysfunction
of the temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, (located where the jaw meets the
ear) which produces not only headaches but also jaw and facial pain.
Despite sufficient amounts of sleep, FMS patients may
awaken feeling unrefreshed, as if they have barely slept. Alternatively,
they may have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Some also suffer
from the condition sleep apnea. The reasons for the non-restorative sleep
and other sleep difficulties of Fibromyalgia are unknown. However, early
FMS research in sleep labs documented disruptions in the deep (delta) sleep
of some Fibromyalgia patients.
Digestive disturbances, abdominal pain, and bloating are
quite common in FMS as are constipation and/or diarrhea (also known as
"irritable bowel syndrome" or IBS). In addition, patients may have difficulty
swallowing food which research suggests is a result of objective abnormalities
in smooth muscle functioning in the esophagus.
FMS patients may experience increased frequency of urination
or increased urgency to urinate, typically in the absence of a bladder
infection. Some may develop a more chronic, painful inflammatory condition
of the bladder wall known as "interstitial cystitis" (IC). Women with FMS
may have more painful menstrual periods or experience worsening of their
FMS symptoms during this time. Conditions such as vulvar vestibulitis or
vulvodynia, characterized by a painful vulvar region and painful sexual
intercourse, may also develop in women.
Numbness or tingling, particularly, in the hands or feet, sometimes accompanies
FMS. Also known as "paresthesia", the sensation can be described as prickling
or burning.
Sensitivity: Persons with Fibromyalgia tend to be highly sensitive
to ambient temperature. Some often feel abnormally cold (compared to others
around them) while others feel abnormally warm. An unusual sensitivity
to cold in the hands and/or feet, accompanied by color changes in the skin,
sometimes occurs in persons with Fibromyalgia. This condition is known
as "Raynaud’s Phenomenon".
Complaints: Nagging symptoms, such as itchy, dry, or blotchy skin,
may accompany FMS. Dryness of the eyes and mouth is also not uncommon.
Additionally, Fibromyalgia patients may experience a sensation of swelling,
particularly in extremities, like fingers. A common complaint is that a
ring no longer fits on a finger. Such swelling, however, is not equivalent
to the joint inflammation of arthritis; rather, it is a localized anomaly
of FMS whose cause is currently unknown.
Symptoms: Individuals with Fibromyalgia who engage in activities involving
continuous, forward body posture (i.e., typing, sitting at a desk, etc.)
often have special problems with chest and upper body pain known as "thoracic
pain and dysfunction". Often accompanying the pain is shallow breathing
and postural problems. Patients may also develop a condition called "costochondralgia"
which involves muscle pain where the ribs meet the chest bone. Such conditions
may mimic heart disease and are therefore sometimes misdiagnosed. (Note:
Anyone experiencing chest pain should always consult a physician immediately.
Remember that persons with Fibromyalgia can have other health problems!)
Persons with Fibromyalgia are also prone to a largely asymptomatic heart
condition known as mitral valve pro lapse (MVP) in which one of the valves
of the heart bulges during a heartbeat causing a click or murmur. MVP usually
does not cause much concern in FMS patients unless another cardiac condition
is also present.
FMS patients may be troubled by light-headedness and/or balance problems
which manifest themselves in a number of ways. Since Fibromyalgia is thought
to affect the skeletal tracking muscles of the eyes, nausea or "visual
confusion" may be experienced when driving a car, reading a book, or otherwise
tracking objects. (Difficulties with smooth muscles in the eye may also
cause additional problems with focus.) Weak muscles and/or trigger
points in the neck or TMJ problems in the jaw may also cause dizziness
or dysequilibrium. Researchers at Johns Hopkins Medical Center have also
shown that some FMS patients have a condition known as "neurally mediated
hypotension" which causes a drop in blood pressure and heart rate upon
standing with resulting light-headedness, nausea, and difficulty thinking
Disorders: Persons with FMS report a number of cognitive symptoms which
tend to vary from day to day. These include difficulty concentrating, "spaciness,"
short-term memory lapses, and being overwhelmed easily. Many Fibromyalgia
patients refer to such symptoms as "Fibrofog".
Sensations: Some FMS patients may develop a neurologic disorder known
as "restless legs syndrome" (RLS) which involves an irresistible urge to
move the legs particularly when at rest or when lying down. The syndrome
may also involve periodic limb movements during sleep (PLMS) which can
be very disruptive to both the patient and to his/her sleeping partner.
Sensitivity: Hypersensitivity to light, noise, odors, and weather patterns
is common and is usually explained as being a result of the hyper vigilance
seen in the nervous systems of patients with FMS. Neurogenic inflammation,
a discrete, localized inflammatory response which does not activate the
immune response or show up in tests, seems to play a part in the itching
and rashes seen in FMS. Allergic-like reactions to a variety of substances
(i.e., medications, chemicals, food additives, pollutants, etc.) are common,
and patients may also experience a form of non-allergic rhinitis consisting
of nasal congestion/discharge and sinus pain, but in the absence of the
immunologic reactions which the body experiences in allergic conditions.
And Anxiety: Although FMS patients are frequently misdiagnosed with
depression or anxiety disorders ("it's all in your
head"), research has
repeatedly shown that Fibromyalgia is not a form of depression
or hypochondriasis. However, where depression or anxiety exist concomitant
to Fibromyalgia, their treatment is important as both can exacerbate FMS
and interfere with successful symptom management. |