What is Fibro Fog?
During this state of utter confusion, it is not uncommon to be unable to
coherently speak sentences, stutter, or cognitively solve problems.
"Our brain is tired and needs to take a rest!"
Fibro fog can last for hours, days, or even months at a time.
Fibro fog is considered the most disruptive of all symptoms. Fibro fog is thought to be caused by low blood
flow to the brain, sleeplessness, or an approaching flare( periods of time when FMS sufferers experience more pain than usual.)
Sometimes, the only way to get through the day is by having a keen sense of humor.
This is especially true when, as a part of Fibromyalgia, one experiences
episodes of short term memory or concentration impairment (cognitive dysfunction)--fondly known to people with Fibromyalgia as
"Fibro fog." Without the ability to laugh about it, it becomes just another embarrassing episode heaped on a pile of already painful experiences.![]() |
Case in point:
It's noon, and for once you have some energy. There are no clean T-shirts in the
house, so you decide it's a good day to run a load of laundry. After starting the load, you go about other business, and return to the washing machine later to toss
the clothes into the dryer. But... they're gone. The washing machine is empty.
And dry... After fumbling around the laundry room and then searching the hampers for
laundry you obviously did not do, you just give up. At 10 pm your son calls out from the kitchen, "Mom? Why are there clothes in the dishwasher?"
You've lived in the same place for 15 years. You've driven the same route to
work all that time. One morning you're halfway there, and suddenly everything
looks unfamiliar. You have no idea where you are. So, knowing this might happen,
you pull off to the side of the road and whip out your cell phone to call your spouse,
describe the area, and get directions. One can't remember your own phone number.
You're furious with your oldest child. Absolutely, positively, without a doubt
angry beyond belief... Out of 4 kids, you EXPECT him to know better.
And so you begin, another litany of parental discipline, "Dammit!...Um....Listen you...uh...What
was your name again???" Fibro fog can be frightening. A good sense of humor can get people through it.![]() |
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