Things NOT to Tell Me
Family and Friends:
seem a lot better today."
I say I'm not feeling so good today)
I say leg, back, arm,
I forget things too."
"I know just how you feel."
you wouldn't spend so much time in
"You'd probably feel better if you ate a healthier diet."
sister's friend knows someone who had that, and she got better with ~ acupuncture ~ iridology ~ naturopathy ~ this really good herbal supplement."
read/think too much about
talk too much about
(Translation: "Please arrange it so
a brain-fogged person who is trying to talk "You're putting your mouth in motion
have pain too, you should just try
I'm sleep-deprived and look it) "Do you really think you're safe
to drive? Perhaps you should talk to your doctor about
you really need those strong pain pill,
"Everything happens for a reason."
"Perhaps you should get out more."
"We choose our destiny."
Mainly Doctors:
helps depression,
caffeine, alcohol and chocolate will all make your symptoms worse."
may hurt a bit but it's not doing you any damage."
with whatever you can do, even five minutes, and gradually increase it to 20 or 30 minutes."
read or watch TV in bed, use it only for sleeping. That way your mind will come to associate going to bed with going to sleep."
would feel a lot better if you could lose a bit of weight."
course, if you're determined to keep on smoking ..."
down and relax, you have to give the pain pills a chance to work."
your intelligence, I can't see any reason why you shouldn't be able to work."
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